The Challenge – Create A Movie App
Design a movie app using Adobe XD. The challenge was to build the major sections of a multi-surface movie app.
- Splash Screen & Landing Page – Design the splash screen and landing page.
- Login – Design the login experience.
- Home Screen – Design home screen include header and navigation.
- Hamburger Menu -Design a hamburger menu for in-app navigation.
- Browse Movies – Create a card for a movie and use component with repeat grid.
- Video Player – Design video player experience.
- Account Settings – Design account setting experience with user profile.
- Search – Design search experience with search bar.
The Challenge – Create A Food Delivery App
Design a food delivery app using Adobe XD. The challenge was to build the major sections of a food delivery app.
- Log In and Sign Up – Design a log in, sign up, and registration screen.
- Home Screen – Design an engaging home screen layout.
- Order History – Design a simple order history and order detail screen that snaps in and out.
- Marketing Promotions – Design an experience to prioritize promotions.
- Place Order – Design an experience with as few steps as possible.
- Address Alert – Design a customer service experience for changing an address on current order.
- Order Status – Design a way for customers to visualize order status and progress.
- Delivery Map – Design a map experience for customers to view time for order to arrive, driver, and map.